Legal Specialists Take on Secret Santa in Aid of Great Ormond Street Christmas Appeal


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Christmas is an exciting time for many as we prepare to give and receive thoughtful gifts, spend time with loved ones, and ignore calorie intakes as we embrace chocolates, comfort food and more! However, the festive season can also be an extremely difficult time for many individuals and families too. A great number of children at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) are too ill to go home for Christmas. That's why this year, staff at Healys LLP came together to compete in the "Great Healys Bake Off" in order to raise funds and support GOSH Christmas Stocking Appeal 2019. Employees from across the company's offices were invited to take part by baking cakes or judge the bake off, in exchange for a donation which was used to purchase a variety of Christmas presents.

The team raised over one hundred and fifty pounds, which was then used to purchase a variety of gifts for children of all ages. Additionally, a number of staff purchased toys to add to the sack of gifts.The team was then invited to Great Ormond Street to deliver the sack of gifts for the children ahead of Christmas day.

Sue Bachorski, Head of HR at Healys said:

'Everyone at Healys is committed to giving back and, throughout the year, to raising money for, and contributing to, a wide range of worthwhile charitable causes. I am proud to say that our employees are kind and generous and we all have fun devising our many and various charitable initiatives. Great Ormond Street is particularly dear to our collective hearts.'For more information about Healys LLP and our legal services, please click here.

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