Employment Law for Employees
Experts in the human side of business
Key contact

You may feel that you are being treated unfairly or being discriminated against. You may be concerned about your job security as a result of pending redundancies and changes to the workplace. You may require assistance in negotiating departure packages and resolving internal disputes or you may simply want to know what employment rights you have as an employee.
We are able to assist and help you achieve the best solution and advise you on the best course of action. Our expert lawyers have a wealth of knowledge to support and assist you in relation to any employment difficulty or concern you may have. We cover a wide range of employment issues, including discrimination, unfair dismissal, redundancy and the negotiation of exit packages; and our experienced team can also provide representation in the tribunals or courts as a last-resort solution.
Our expertise for pragmatic and strategic support protects your best interests. Our expert lawyers will position you to achieve the best possible outcome, by recognising the significance and impact that employment relations can have.
How We Can Help
At Healys, we understand that your employment is an integral and vital part of your life, and we want to ensure that your best interests are pursued by providing you with advice and support that is protective of your interests, both short and long term.
We offer legal services relating to all aspects of employment law, including:
- Terms of employment contracts and consultancy arrangements
- Disciplinary and grievance procedures
- Unfair dismissal, constructive dismissal and wrongful dismissal
- Redundancy
- Negotiation to have you exit a business, and conversely join a business
- Transfer of employees (TUPE)
- Discrimination: age, disability, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, marital/civil partnership status or Trade Union Membership
- Bullying and harassment in the workplace
- Stress at work claims
- Sickness absence
- Protected disclosures (“Whistleblowing”)
- Settlement agreements
- Maternity and Parental Rights and flexible working arrangements and requests
- Director’s disputes
- Data protection matters
- Equal pay claims
- Working Time Regulations and unlawful deductions from wages
- Claims over restrictions in your contract or confidential information
Our expertise often provides strategic advice, and we think outside the box too. Our expert lawyers are equipped to deliver amongst the best possible workplace advice. We are considerate of your situation, , jargon-free and straight talking - so if you are looking for the best possible help with an employment issue, and accurate well tested and grounded advice, please get in touch for an initial consultation.