Classic & Collector Cars
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If you're the owner of a classic or collector car then we know that your investment is more than just a vehicle. It's a piece of history, with a story behind it and an emotional significance that can't be solely measured by cost value.
That's why at Healys, our Classic & Collector Car group takes our clients' passion for their cars to heart. We understand that these are more than just personal possessions—they're part of who you are. And when the time comes to sell or pass on your collection, we'll work with you every step of the way to make sure your treasured possession is preserved.
Head of Healys Classic & Collector Car group, Clive Robertson, has many years’ experience and considerable expertise in this specialist area. He is ranked as a Top Recommended Classic Car Lawyer in the prestigious Spears 500 guide to private client advisors, and is the Honorary Solicitor to the Guild of Motoring Writers. He is in addition the Legal Columnist for award-winning classic car quarterly, Magneto magazine.
Over the last decade, members of the firm have acquired specialist expertise in the law and practices relating to the increasingly valuable collector car market. Our solicitors not only have the expertise and knowledge to advise within their own specific legal disciplines, but also have a life-long enthusiasm for classic, collector and racing cars.
How We Can Help
We offer a variety of services tailored specifically for the acquisition and management of classic and historic cars.
- Provenance and sale/purchase contract advice
- Litigation and mediation assistance
- Inheritance Tax planning
- Auction bidding guidance
- DVLA applications and appeals
We know how important it is for you to protect yourself financially while still preserving the integrity of each and every one of your cars, and we are here to help make sure that this is maintained at every step along the way.

Recommended by Spears 500
Clive Robertson, head of Healys Classic & Collector Cars, is recognised as a leading practitioner in his field by Spears 500, and is ranked as a Top Recommended Classic Car Lawyer in their private client advisor guide.