A quantity surveyor is essential to almost any well-managed building project - by providing detailed analysis and estimates of building and engineering-related costs quantity surveyors can keep costs low and projects in-hand, ensuring both tight schedules and value for money.However, in the event that quantity surveyors act careless or negligent projects may run over time and costs can spiral over budget, and in such circumstances it may be advisable to proceed with a quantity surveyor professional negligence claim.Quantity surveyors are sometimes also referred to as construction costs managers, project managers or commercial managers - however, these differences in title are unlikely to have any impact on a professional's potential liability.
The obligations and duties of care of quantity surveyors are derived from statute, regulation, common law, contract and tort.They are bound by a range of legislative instruments, including The Building Act 1984 and The Building Regulations 2000.Regulatory Obligations and codes of conduct further outline what should be expected of a quantity surveyor, organisations such as the Law Society and RIBA. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors has a Code of Conduct for its members which outlines a series of professional standards.The professional standards include the requirement for members to act with integrity and without conflict of interest.Naturally, RICS also requires members to carry out work with reasonable care, skill and expertise.Importantly, because of the number of disputes caused by schedule-related issues, members are required to perform work in a timely manner.
Professional negligence claims against quantity surveyors
Has your construction project run over budget because of negligent cost planning? Has it taken longer than planned? Has there been a failure to address vital logistical issues?If the answer to any of these questions is 'yes', you may be able to proceed with a project manager or quanitity surveyor professional negligence claim.Healys LLP has professional negligence partners in their offices in Brighton and London and can help advance your claim whether through adjudication, arbitration, mediation or, if necessary, the courts system.Get in touch with us today for clear and cost-effective advice.